Foreign & Security Policy
In a dangerous world with powerful competing interests, a government’s foreign and security policy can either promote peace and security or lead to instability and chaos. Every nation must understand the current state of the world and its place in it. It is also essential to understand the times and seasons of the international system and how it influences the competition over various elements of geographic space. We provide policymakers and business leaders with foreign and security policy advice based on solid research to achieve stability, lasting peace and prosperity.
Strategic Domestic Policy
In an ever-developing and interconnected world, the sovereignty of some states may have its limits because of external economic and political interests and its position and strength in the international system. The ignorance or disregard of this reality has resulted in catastrophic consequences. A government's domestic policy can reverberate across its borders, resulting in economic, diplomatic and political costs for the regime or country in general. Policymakers, therefore, require sound advice to navigate the treacherous waters of sensitive domestic policy, especially when the interests of multi-national corporations are at risk. We can help policymakers achieve set goals by utilising the tools available to them relative to the locus of their nation in the international system.
Geopolitical Risk
The soothsaying strategy of most geopolitical risk firms relies on varying components or elements. Some firms are open, while others maintain complete secrecy about their forecasting methodology. The Arab spring and recent geopolitical events have exposed the inherent weaknesses of existing political risk assessment methodologies. Nevertheless, an accurate assessment of the political climate is possible if the proper method is employed. It is not a stroke of good fortune that some countries listed as posing a medium-high geopolitical risk have not expropriated or nationalized foreign-owned assets for decades. Thus, the application of faulty risk assessment methodologies can deprive investors of golden opportunities or give them a false sense of security. Our risk indicators are structured to evaluate the current state of the world, hard power and diverse vested interests to identify near-term and future risks to investments.
Hybrid/Grey Operations
The peace of Westphalia has not prevented powerful states from extending their tentacles across borders, albeit covertly, in furtherance of their interests. Therefore, it is pertinent for policymakers to decipher and counteract the most advanced forms of external interference, which utilise sophisticated tools and clandestine operations to exploit socio-economic, socio-political, and socio-cultural fault lines. We are well-placed to understand unfolding events and research, analyse, and test various scenarios to forecast how or where interference will occur.
Some competitors apply illegal and grey tactics and tools to gain a competitive edge in the private sector. Blackmail, sabotage, and espionage fall within the realm of unfair and unlawful competition. We can provide tailored intelligence to identify and mitigate such risks.
Soft Power
The deliberate projection of a state’s culture, values, language and general way of life to exert influence is a crucial tool of statecraft. Soft power played a significant role in attracting some authoritarian and communist countries to adopt democracy and the western way of life. Ancient Greece exerted influence through arts, music, philosophy and science. The promotion of the Greek lifestyle formed an integral part of Athens’ foreign policy. Beijing’s influence via soft power without the application of hard power challenge preconceived notions.
Our advisory is underpinned by historical antecedents, and we can develop or fine-tune the options available to policymakers.